Large Red Modern Pinstriping Art 44 x 21 Framed


This art piece starts with an airbrushed background using shades of red with a black fade to the edges. A simplistic, light caramel colored pinstriping design sits on top of the shades of red. With a soft touch of light blue in the center. Measuring 44 x 21 and framed horizontal, this piece is designed to be hung over a couch, a bed, a mantle, etc….

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This art piece starts with an airbrushed background using shades of red with a black fade to the edges. A simplistic, light caramel colored pinstriping design sits on top of the shades of red. With a soft touch of light blue in the center. Measuring 44 x 21 and framed horizontal, this piece is designed to be hung over a couch, a bed, a mantle, etc….

This art piece starts with an airbrushed background using shades of red with a black fade to the edges. A simplistic, light caramel colored pinstriping design sits on top of the shades of red. With a soft touch of light blue in the center. Measuring 44 x 21 and framed horizontal, this piece is designed to be hung over a couch, a bed, a mantle, etc….

Dimensions: 44 x 21